Ganon's Tower Bob's Torch

a.k.a. Torch Key

In the randomizer, collecting the item on top of the torch will have an effect on the graphical appearance of "Bob", the anti-fairy in Bob's Room.

If there is a small key on the torch, then the following locations are logically locked by the boots:

  • Moldorm 2 and beyond
  • The four chests in Compass Room, unless the big key is also there
  • The map chest, unless the big key or a small key is there
  • The four chests in Randomizer Room, unless the big key is also there

The requirement can always easily be bypassed by simply never opening the small key door on the right side of this room.

Dash (4.100)
Walk (4.066)

If collecting the item on the torch, walking beats out dashing by a few frames when done optimally, even without pumping, and is generally recommended as it avoids the risk of bonking against the wall. Walking, however, can take practice to time correctly, as you ideally want to start moving left as early as possible while still managing to collect the key.

Walk (4.050)
Dash (4.050)

The hookshot can be used after bonking into the torch, potentially saving ~1 frame. If bonking into the leftmost part of the torch (as is ideal), there's a 3-frame window where it's possible to move left too quickly and leave the key behind. To avoid this, you can insert a brief delay, either before or after using the hookshot. If doing so before using the hookshot, it's recommended to not walk downward after bonking. You will have to practice the room to get a feel for if and when this delay needs to be added (it will never be necessary when bonking the torch 4+ pixels to the right of optimal).

Dashing after using the hookshot is possible, but not recommended, as it doesn't save any time, and even with perfect timing, you'll need to take a step upward to avoid the spark.

Remember to start quickswapping after using the hookshot, since it's recommended to have the hammer selected going into the next room.