Ganon's Tower Conveyor Cross

a.k.a. Conveyor Pot Key
Diagonal (0.900)
Cardinal (1.000)

Holding cardinal up or down out of a normal east/west door will slow Link's movement to 1px/frame instead of 1.5px/frame, so making sure to hold diagonal down-left out of the door here can save up to 6 frames.

Walk (2.083)
Hook (1.950)
Hook x2 (1.933)

Using the hookshot to both travel to the pot and pick up the key faster can save around 9 frames, but is generally unfeasible due to needing to quickswap extremely quickly to the hammer immediately afterwards. (At worst, you need to do 9 quickswaps, in the span of roughly 1-1.5 seconds.) It's thus recommended to come into this room with the hammer already selected, or at least in the process of quickswapping to the hammer.

(50% playback speed)
Optimal Snap (1.600)
Late (1.750)

When walking downward on the left-hand conveyor, hitting the hammer peg on the earliest or second-earliest possible frame will allow Link to move between the two blocks with a cardinal input (without pressing up at all). Doing so on the earliest possible frame will actually result in Link "snapping" into the space between the two blocks, saving ~5 frames compared to using a diagonal input to walk upward.

However, attempting to use a cardinal right input after hammering on the second frame will actually lose a frame, as Link won't perform the snap and his movement upward will be slower than if you use a diagonal up+right movement before transitioning to cardinal right.

Attempting to use a cardinal right input in any other position is even worse, as Link will simply get stuck and won't move into the correct space. It's therefore generally recommended to always hold up+right after using the hammer even though this won't allow for the frame-perfect snap.

(50% playback speed)
Optimal (2.283)
After Fanfare (2.466)

You can save about 11 frames by starting to walk away from the block as soon as the push is just over halfway done instead of waiting until the block is fully pushed. Note that trying to walk away earlier than this will result in the floor switch not being triggered.

You'll usually want to quickswap to the hookshot for the next room during this process.

(50% playback speed)
Optimal Hook (2.283)
After Fanfare (2.466)

Hookshotting to the block on the left on the way out is possible, but is time-neutral with walking and is not recommended.