The most straightforward way to inspect RAM values is using Ram Watch functionality in a supported emulator (such as snes9x-rr or BizHawk).
For snes9x-rr users, the following lua script can also be loaded and edited, which will display the value at a given memory address on-screen.
-- (Replace this value with the memory address you want to display) local address = 0x7E02E2 local x_center = 128 local y_center = 160 local function display_value() -- Uncomment the line that corresponds to the size of the data: -- For 1-byte values value = memory.readbyte(address) -- For 2-byte values -- value = memory.readword(address) -- For 4-byte values -- value = memory.readdword(address) text = string.format("%x", address) .. ": " .. value text_halfwidth = #text * 2 - text_halfwidth - 8, y_center - 8, x_center + text_halfwidth + 8, y_center + 8, 0x00000080) gui.text(x_center - text_halfwidth, y_center - 2, text) end gui.register(display_value)
Memory address: 7EF36E (1 bytes)
This contains the current amount of magic remaining in your bar, as an integer from 0 to 128. Note that the half magic and quarter magic upgrades do not affect your current or maximum magic value, but instead affect the way that items consume magic. This means that an anti-fairy will always drain 8 magic per hit (1/16th of your maximum) regardless of whether you have half magic, for example.
Memory address: 7E0B08 (2 bytes)
This value is used to manage certain radial enemy attack patterns, including those of Arrghus and Trinexx.
This variable is most relevant when it comes to determining the spawn pattern of Ganon's firebats in phase 2 of the Ganon fight. If you can ensure a consistent value for the Arc Variable (usually 64 or 0), you can ensure that the firebat pattern will also be consistent.
The main ways that the Arc Variable can be set to a fixed value are to hard reset the game (sets it to 0) or to go through a silverless Ice Armos fight. (A normal silverless Armos Knights fight can also potentially set the Arc Variable to 64, but this is strat-dependent as some strats will collect the dungeon prize before the value decrements all the way to 64.)
If the Ice Armos fight is skipped entirely, or if they are defeated more quickly using silver arrows, it will most likely be impossible to predict the value of the Arc Variable -- and thus, Ganon's firebat pattern.
Memory address: 7E02E2 (1 byte)
This value controls the internal cooldown timer on using the magic cape -- as long as this value is greater than 0, the cape cannot be activated or deactivated using the Y button. See Cape Cooldown for more info.
Memory address: 7E0F70 (1 byte)
This value tracks the altitude of the enemy or entity in "slot 0" (how far it is from its shadow on the ground), as well as the altitude of the drop that the enemy spawns (if any).
However, this value also has a second effect -- it affects the trajectory of the knockback from Link's bombs, which can have an undesired impact on bomb jumps and other strats involving bomb knockback.
Most bomb jump setups assume that this value is set to 0, which is the default -- having this value set to anything else will produce different results, often causing the setup to fail even when otherwise executed identically.
The most common way for this to be set to a nonzero value is by defeating an enemy loaded into slot 0 and then collecting its drop in mid-air, which will fix the value at whatever altitude that drop was at while collected. This effect will in most instances last until the map supertile is unloaded (via transitioning to a different supertile or mirroring), though there are also some niche alternatives (such as having 9 kodongo flames on screen at once).
Collecting the drop after it as "settled" to the ground is safe as the value will be fixed to 0 at that point. Collecting the drop using the boomerang or hookshot is also safe as the value will immediately be set to 0 upon being grabbed by either those items.
If the enemy happens to drop a fairy, using the hookshot or boomerang is the only way to ensure a value of zero, as fairies never "settle" onto the ground and will leave the altitude set to a random value upon despawning.
Memory address: 7E02A2 (1 byte)
This value is used to control the altitude of an object in ancilla slot index 4 (the 5th slot, counting from 0), which is the default slot for a number of objects. (The altitude array begins with Slot 0 at 7E029E.)
This is most relevant for the "Spooky Action at a Distance" glitch.