Eastern Palace Duo Eyegores

a.k.a. Double Red Eyegores
Spin (2.233)

The standard method for dispatching the 6 Popos is with a spin slash. Because Link moves more slowly while holding his sword out, you'll ideally want to release the spin as low as possible, while still hitting all 6 enemies.

This image shows the lowest vertical coordinate (1AA8) where a spin slash will hit the top two Popos (the range is the same for all sword upgrades).

Byrna (2.233)

At the cost of ~20 magic (20 frames, 10 frames with half magic), the cane of byrna can be just as efficient as a sword spin. Activate the cane as soon as you enter the room, otherwise there is a chance that the lower-left Popo will not be hit. The cane can be deactivated (usually via quickswap toward the bow) after the magic particle passes in front of Link a second time.

(50% playback speed)
Somaria (2.433)

Two somaria explosions can quickly defeat all of the Popos, at the cost of 16 magic. When walking straight up from the door, the upward somaria projectile will always hit the upper-left Popo. The recommended approach is to have the first block hit the two bottom Popos along with the upper-left one, then step slightly up-right to lay the second block.

Hookshot (2.733)

Standing in the middle of the Popos will allow you to take them out with 6 quick hookshot activations.

Hammer (2.800)

3 hammer hits can also work. The first hammer hit can be done without moving horizontally. Note that the side hammer hitbox is offset slightly lower than Link, so aim to walk slightly higher than the true center of the Popos for the start of the strat.

(50% playback speed)
Fire Rod (2.316)

Although not 100% consistent, it's possible to to hit two Popos with each of three fire rod shots. The first shot should be done on the upper-right Popo and will consistently hit the upper-left one as well. The other two shots are spacing-dependent, so you may need to fire an additional shot in case the splash damage does not work as intended. Because fire rod shots can pass through targets that are too close to you, it's recommended to shoot the lower-left Popo before the lower-right one.

Note that changes to your fire rod splash (spooky action) offset can alter the effectiveness of this strategy.

Bow (3.883)

As a last resort, 6 arrow shots can be used, though this is slower than the rest of the options shown above. As with the Eyegores, you'll need to position yourself slightly off-center in order to hit the upper Popos. The last two Popos will begin to move randomly before you can kill them, so you'll have to react to their movement appropriately.

Without silver arrows, this strategy will require 10 arrow shots total for the room, so you may need to collect additional arrows (available in the pots on either side, or in earlier screens) to prepare for the upcoming Armos Knights fight.

Spaced (4.050)
Tight Movement (3.700)
TAS Optimal (3.516)

Without silver arrows, the most efficient way to kill the two Red Eyegores is to fire arrows in a "1, 2, 1" pattern to defeat both of them in one cycle, as shown above.

Although it may not seem like it, you only have to move 3 pixels horizontally (2 frames of cardinal movement) to switch targets here. You can shoot the left Eyegore from horizontal coordinate 1177 (one pixel off of center), and you can shoot the right Eyegore from horizontal coordinate 117A (two pixels off of center).

Reducing the horizontal movement between arrows will not only allow you to fire them more quickly, but will also allow you to execute the strategy further up without being hit by the right-hand Eyegore, further reducing the time spent in the room.

The middle clip demonstrates that a sword buffer can be used to execute a one-frame movement to the left, though optimally this would be done with a diagonal movement instead of a cardinal one, as Link moves 2 pixels on the first frame of leftward movement.

Strafe (3.833)

Holding B will allow you to strafe while facing up the entire time, potentially making the inputs easier. Link's side-to-side movement, however, will be slightly slower (3 frames of cardinal movement are needed as opposed to 2), and if you have a sword on hand, you will have to position yourself lower than you otherwise would, to prevent the right Eyegore from running into your sword.

If you have the boots, be sure to start your dash before releasing the B button, so you don't accidentally sword spin. If you don't have the boots, try and delay your sword slash until the Eyegores are just starting to open their eyes, and release B immediately after firing the last arrow -- this will prevent you from fully charging a spin. If you do end up with a sword charge, it is faster to walk through the door with your sword held out (and release in the next room) compared to doing the spin slash immediately.