Ganon's Tower Speed Torch

The wallmaster in this room is the same wallmaster spawn in Tile Room, meaning the amount of time you spend in that room will affect the cycle of the wallmaster relative to entering this one.

(50% playback speed)
Up (1.666)
Up+Right (1.583)

The first (topmost) torch in the room is almost always lit using a fire rod shot.

As with all east-west doors, holding straight up to exit the doorway will result in slower movement than using a diagonal (or cardinal) input.

Using the hookshot twice is the fastest way to get from the first torch to the second torch, though you will have to move diagonally down+left slightly after the initial fire rod shot so that the gibdo doesn't block the path of your hookshot. (The gibdo's movement is deterministic based on your positioning)

As shown, the block can be pushed either downward or to the right. In general, pushing it to the right gives more efficient movement if lighting the torch with the lamp. Start pushing the block with a cardinal input and switch to down+right only once the block has begun to move.

Moving diagonally to light the torch while facing downward is a viable alternative to turning right, though optimally this is a bit slower. You'll need to be at horizontal coordinate 1BC2 or further to light the torch -- at least 10 pixels away from the left wall.

Push Right (4.483)
Push Down (4.833)

Quickswapping to the lamp is the optimal way to light the second torch since it doesn't pause Link's movement and costs less magic, but using the fire rod is also possible. This could be desirable to avoid a lengthy quickswap, to preserve your Spooky Altitude Value for a Spooky Glitch strat in Crystal Conveyor, or if the lamp is simply not available.

A fire rod can light the torch from as far left as horizontal coordinate 1BBC -- 4 pixels right of being flush with the left wall. Even if you overshoot slightly, it's relatively easy to light the torch without getting caught on the torch, so pushing the block to the right after the double hookshot is still the fastest strategy.

TAS (3.733)
Realistic (5.800)
Menu (6.733)

By moving left after the initial fire rod shot, you can hammerdash through both pots. While the optimal version of this strat is unviable outside of a TAS setting, even with realistic timing this allows you to easily collect the full magic refill underneath the bottom pot at the cost of around 2 seconds compared to the normal strategies. A menu can also be used in place of the difficult quickswap -> hammerdash sequence, though this is slower.

Pots Lifted (3.683)
Block Pushed (3.616)

If the pots are already lifted or the block is already pushed, both routes shown will end up faster than normal and will be roughly even with each other, though the exact timing will depend heavily on the cycle of the moving spike.

The strategy shown on the left is most relevant when entering the room without enough magic to light the first two torches -- you can hammerdash (or simply lift) the two pots to collect the magic refill, then dash downward after lighting the first torch and attempt to make your way through the hallway with the spike.

Spike Skip (3.183)
Spike Hit (3.783)

With clean execution using the double hookshot strategy in the first part of the room, it's possible to beat the moving spike, but even a slight mistake can make this impossible. In this case the fastest thing to do is simply to take the hit and then reposition yourself for a downward dash. The angle at which the spike hits you is generally not consistent, so you'll want to be prepared for either a rightward or downward hit and react accordingly.

You may also be forced into taking a hit if the red stalfos walks upward and blocks your path. It's not possible to slash the stalfos and still have time to make the spike cycle, so it's generally best to just intentionally take a hit (from either one).

It's technically possible to use the cape or hookshot to avoid the spike using invincibility, but this not recommended as it usually requires an excessive amount of quickswapping.

Wait->Dash (4.633)

Alternatively, you can position yourself to start a dashturn as the spike hits the right wall, nudging off of the corner, avoiding the spike hit at the cost of 1-2 seconds.

Left Route (7.133)
Right Route (7.250)

Without the boots or hookshot, the conveyor belt is much slower to traverse, so lifting the pots instead will result in a similar time. Although this usually leads to taking an extra hit from the spike, it has the advantage of collecting the full magic refill underneath the bottom pot, which can often be desirable.

FRod x3 (3.266)
Lamp->Frod (4.100)

The fastest way to light the final two torches is to use three fire rod shots (the first one being used to kill the two floating baris, assuming they are relatively grouped up). You'll have to pause slightly before the third fire rod shot, to give time for the first "flame" to disappear.

An alternative is to walk left and use the lamp to light the left-hand torch from across the railing, conserving 1.75 pips of magic at the cost of ~0.85 seconds.

In both cases the fire rod dash is optional (it usually saves 13 frames in this room, but costs 10 in the next room), but is recommended as it is not only faster but guards against your dash input from being eaten by the door open pause.

Beams->FRod x2 (3.666)

If sword beams are available, this alternative middle-ground strategy can be used, using two beams to kill the baris before lighting the torches with the fire rod.

Note that if your dash hits an enemy (as shown above), there will be a brief 5-frame window after dashing where Link will be unable to slash again.

FRod x2 (4.150)

While costing more magic than the lamp -> fire rod strategy, this is a viable alternative that is easier to execute due to not requiring a fast quickswap from lamp to fire rod.

FRod x2 (4.533)
Lamp->FRod (4.666)

Without the boots, the conveyor belt will slow your movement significantly, so the fastest strategy minimizes time spent on it as shown. Using the lamp to light the third torch is theoretically slightly faster, but often ends up being slower in practice due to the time required to quickswap.

Although you are logically expected to have the fire rod in order to make it through the bottom door, it's possible -- though difficult -- to light all four torches and make it through the door in time using only the lamp. Various possible strategies for doing so are covered below.

(50% playback speed)

If the hookshot and boots are both available, the fastest way to light the bottom-right torch (and then fall into the pit) is to make sure you are grid-aligned and then hookdash to the lamp to perform a spacewalk float, at which point you can use the lamp before letting go of right and falling into the pit.

Unlike a normal spacewalk float setup, you will always need to buffer an A press out of this hookshot due to the conveyor affecting Link's movement.

You'll want to be conscious of the wallmaster cycle when executing this, as the wallmaster can grab you even in the middle of your falling animation. Menuing to the lamp is therefore recommended over quickswapping to minimize the amount of time you are vulnerable.

(50% playback speed)

Alternatively, you can perform the same setup while offset in order to perform a spacewalk slide and then light the torch from the top or bottom. This allows you to then bonk on the right-hand wall in order to return to the left side of the pit.

If the spacewalk setups above are not available, the most common way to reach the bottom-right torch is via a bomb jump.

Flush (5.333)
Conveyor (5.333)

For the bomb jump to succeed, Link must be at the very edge of the pit (horizontal coordinate 1B97), so a spin slash or itemdash setup is recommended. Multiple vertical positionings will work, but for simplicity one of these two setups is recommended, where Link is flush with the wall, and the bomb is either also placed flush with the wall or is dropped on the upper part of the conveyor.

You'll need to find a consistent setup to time your bomb placement such that you can dodge the fireball from the shooter, as well as avoid the wallmaster spawn (a spin slash can also be used to kill the wallmaster as it drops on you).

Right-facing (4.083)

Laying the bomb while facing right can save time since it allows you to place the bomb before doing a spin slash/itemdash setup. Multiple bomb placements will work here, but a consistent setup is to align flush to the right side of the hallway (horizontal coordinate 1B80) and then face right by either holding your sword to the right or by doing a dash-turn, placing the bomb low enough so that it gets carried by the conveyor. After laying the bomb, you can use a spin slash setup as before to put yourself into position, ensuring that you're flush against the top wall.

Hover (3.066)

A hover can also be used, for example if the boots are available but not the hookshot, though this should only be attempted if you are quite confident in your hover execution as failing it will be quite costly.

Right First (16.483)
Latest Entry (17.267)
Left First (16.317)

The fastest overall way to traverse the room from start to finish without the fire rod is by lighting the torches from top to bottom, using the spacewalk slide mentioned earlier to light the bottom-right torch and then bonk back across. This is only possible with both the boots and hookshot.

As shown above, the final two torches can be lit in either order. It's recommended to light the right-hand torch first, as this not only allows you to quickswap to the hookshot ahead of time but also makes it easier to align to the grid for the hookdash.

Although you can technically save a few frames by dashing through the final door, this isn't recommended as the shooter will often hit you out of your dash if you attempt this.

The margin for error here is only about half a second, so you may want to use one of the alternative strats shown below if you are not confident in your execution.

Boots+Hook (22.517)
Latest Entry (23.900)

With the boots and hookshot, the strategy shown above can be used instead, lighting the bottom-right torch first and then falling into the pit. This is slower than the spacewalk slide strategy above, but is much easier to execute as it allows you to have over a full second of timing leniency.

Hook Only (25.500)
Latest Entry (26.167)

With the hookshot but no boots, you'll always leave the pots untouched and push the block on the way to the bottom-right torch. Although not always strictly required, it's recommended that you dispatch the gibdo in the upper part of the room ahead of time, as need to walk around it after lighting the first torch can slow you down enough to fail the strategy as a whole. The gibdo can be killed in multiple ways, with the most efficient ones being a double-hit tempered spin (as shown above), a silver arrow, or an ice rod shot.

Since there is less than half a second of leeway, you'll want to ensure proper timing of the spike cycle, which you can do by lighting the torch slightly before it reaches the left-hand wall. Again, you can also use an alternative strat if you are not confident in your execution.

Pots (23.084)
Latest Entry (24.134)
Block (23.684)

With the boots but no hookshot, the full route through the room will either destroy the pots or push the block on the way to the bottom-right torch, as shown. The timing window is slightly more generous here but still usually less than a second.

Entering Petting Zoo and then coming back will cause you to respawn at the north doorway instead of the west one after falling into the pit. This allows you to light the bottom-right torch, fall, and then reach the topmost torch more quickly, thus making the strategies more lenient.

This is required to traverse the room without the fire rod if neither the boots or hookshot are available. If either of those two are on hand, this is significantly slower than the strats shown above (due to having to defeat all of the enemies in Petting Zoo), but can still be advisable if you are not confident in your execution or simply want extra buffer time to guard against being hit by the spike / shooter / stalfos.

Boots+Hook (13.167)
Latest Entry (15.783)

As shown, the general strategy through the room remains the same aside from simply walking to the first torch, but the amount of timing leniency increases noticeably -- you have over 2 full seconds of leeway.

No Boots/Hook (14.683)
Latest Entry (15.850)

With neither the boots or the hookshot, you'll need to destroy the pots and take the left-hand path to avoid being slowed down by the conveyor on the way to the second torch.

Depending on your exact execution, you'll ideally light the initial torch as the spike is on the far left, to ensure an ideal spike cycle as shown, though you can still make the door in time even without this.