Eastern Palace Attic Start

a.k.a. Anti-Fairy Pots
(50% playback speed)
Pot Toss (3.033)

This strategy requires precise movement but allows you to beat the left Anti-Fairy and exit the room with an optimal time.

  1. Cancel stairlag by moving at least one frame to the left
  2. Move down/diagonally down flush with the pots
  3. Move in between the pots with a cardinal left input
  4. Turn down and lift the pot
  5. Hold down-left to trigger the switch
  6. Hold up-left out of the switch pause to align flush with the top pot
  7. Throw the pot as soon as possible
  8. Walk straight to the doorway

Hammerdash Down (3.100)

This alternative strat requires the hammer, boots, and a sword, and is slightly slower than the strategy above (when executed well), but is a viable alternative if preferred. A very brief diagonal up-left movement can be made after triggering the switch to pick up the arrow drop with little to no time loss, making this the most efficient way to pick up 5 extra arrows if needed for the rest of the dungeon.

Hammerdash Left (2.666)

Although technically the fastest way through the room, this strategy ends up being essentially even with the Pot Toss due to losing 21 frames in the next room, and is extremely difficult to execute optimally. It's recommended to cancel stairlag by moving right (for at least 2 frames) instead of left, as this will give you more leeway to avoid lifting the pot, and also ensure that you aren't dashing too soon (resulting in hitting the Anti-Fairy). Link's vertical coordinate must be pixel-precise (18B0) in order to match the overall time of the Pot Toss strategy. Any lower and the dash must be delayed to avoid a hit, leading to a slower time.