The tiled floor in this room is invisible but can be revealed by either lighting the torch by the northeast door (usually using the fire rod), or temporarily during an activation of the ether medallion. With basic item placement one of these two methods is required to put the room into logic, but this is not the case for seeds that use advanced item placement, so you may be required to navigate the room without having either option available to you.
Coming out of the southwest door, dashing is slightly but distinctly faster than hookshotting to the block. Using a diagonal input (instead of simply holding down) while in the doorway will avoid slow door movement.
Dashing on the left edge of this bridge can potentially save a handful of frames due to enabling a longer hookshot to the pots, but is significantly more risky due to the helmasaur potentially blocking your hookshot.
Most of the invisible catwalk is usually circumvented by lifting one of the two pots and bonking off of the other one to clear the gap. Lifting the lower pot allows for slightly more efficient movement, but the upper pot can be lifted instead at the cost of only a few frames if a small magic refill is more desirable than 5 arrows. Be mindful of the movement of the hardhat beetle if attempting this, as it can hit Link upon landing, leading to a costly fall.
If the boots are not available, a bomb jump can be used to skip the invisible pathway instead. Because the gap is only one tile wide, a variety of different positionings and strategies will work, making a spin slash setup unnecessary.
Keep in mind that a bomb will send Link slightly downward (and not straight to the right) if Link only moves horizontally after placing it. Lining the tip of Link's sword with the edge of the pots will generally put him in a good position to clear the gap.
Optimally, you can hook to the left edge of the torch after regaining control of Link for move efficient movement.
If using a spin slash, it's recommended to stun or kill both nearby enemies to prevent accidental knockback from hitting them with the spin.
Coming out of the right-hand door, dashing into the firesnake is at best one frame faster than walking into the firesnake (without pumping), and is not recommended. Hookshotting downward will allow you to be knocked back to the left, but ends up time-neutral and is also not recommended.
To avoid taking damage from the firesnake entirely you can hookshot to the right, only costing about 7 frames.
The fastest way to make it past the firesnake is to do a capedash, which saves about 50 frames at the cost of ~12 magic points.
Although tricky to execute, you can save 1-1.5 seconds reaching the northeast door if you memorize the layout of the invisible bridge.
If taking the left route, try to cancel your first dash as late as possible, to avoid being hit by the second hardhat beetle while charging your next dash.
If the hookshot is available, you can potentially save even more time by using a hookdash to spacewalk around the right side of the torch. This is a risky strategy as it saves less than a second and a fall is quite costly.
Because there is no good way to guarantee that you are grid-aligned before using the hookshot, it's recommended that you attempt a buffered hover as shown above (even though this costs a bit of time) since only 2 out of every 4 vertical coordinates will work otherwise.