Ganon's Tower Double Switch

a.k.a. Double Crystal Switch
Down Hit (4.966)
Down (4.966)
Down-left (4.616)

A common strategy for this room is to use the blue boomerang to trigger the left-hand crystal switch, then immediately quickswap once and hookshot to the pot.

Traditionally the boomerang is thrown such that it hits the switch on the way back, but it can also be thrown to hit the crystal switch directly -- both strategies are essentially equivalent in time.

Throwing the boomerang diagonally down-left is the fastest option, but requires relatively precise positioning in order to ensure that the boomerang hits the switch.

Down-left (4.866)
Boom Dash (5.366)

Without the hookshot, the diagonal boomerang must be used in order to have enough time to walk through the pegs in time. Alternatively, a boomerang dash can be used, but this is not recommended, as it's tricky to execute and doesn't save time.

(50% playback speed)
Hookshot (1.500)
Dash (1.566)

Hookshotting to the bottom pot is a few frames faster than dashing downwards.

(50% playback speed)
Walk (1.800)
Immediate Hook (1.800)
Delayed Hook (1.800)

After lifting the pot, you can:

  • Walk to the right while waiting to collect the key,
  • take a step upward and hookshot down to collect the key,
  • or walk a bit further up before using the hookshot to collect the key.

Done optimally, all three approaches are equivalent in time, as long as you don't walk too far upward before using the hookshot.

Dash Down (5.150)
Boom Dash (5.250)

This strategy is slower but is provided as a possible alternative, dashing downward and throwing the boomerang from the bottom of the room. If using the hookshot, you'll want to make sure to dash downward far enough to avoid having the boomerang hit both switches on its return trip.

The boomerang dash is again not recommended, but shown for the sake of completeness.

Red Boom Hook (4.466)
Red Boom Dash (4.600)

Using a diagonal red boomerang toss is easier and slightly faster than the diagonal toss using the blue boomerang, as you can throw the boomerang immediately after coming out of the doorway. This can be done with or without the hookshot.

Dash (5.400)
Walk (5.483)

If using a somaria block to hit the switch, dashing downwards before laying the block is slightly faster than walking. Laying the block lower will slightly increase the time gained from dashing.

Skip (3.216)
Refill (3.650)

When using boomerang strategies, the pot in the top-right of the room can be picked up for a small magic refill at the cost of 15-20 frames.

Skip (5.600)
Refill (6.833)

For strategies that don't normally route to the top-right corner, the time cost is higher -- over a second.

Bomb (5.783)

If none of the other options are available, a bomb can be used to hit the left switch, though this is slightly slower than using a somaria block. Note that the bomb must be placed far enough to the left to avoid hitting both switches with its explosion, otherwise the switch will toggle twice.

Do not attempt to dash downward for this strategy -- not only are you likely to be hit by the shooter, but dashing after a thrown bomb has landed only moves you at 1.5px/frame (same as walking speed).