Eastern Palace Lobby

a.k.a. Eastern Entrance

When Link is straddling two tiles, he can pick up pots and trigger switches on the left of the two tiles, so without boots, this room is optimally performed by not moving horizontally at all.

Pot Lift -> Dash (1.533)
Pot Lift -> Walk (1.600)

Dashing after throwing the pot can optimally save 4 frames, but the dash must be started before (or at the same time as) walking onto the switch in order to gain any time, and the window for throwing the pot and starting the dash in time is only 5 frames.

Using Y Items is not possible until Link has fully cleared the entry doorway. The lowest y-coordinate that this can be done is 19BF, but because of Link's upward movement pattern this will usually be at 19BE.80 as shown in the image above, 17 frames after gaining control of Link.

Dash -> Dash (2.516)
Hook -> Dash (2.550)

An optimal dash can save 2 frames over hookshotting to the pot, but is not recommended due to the execution difficulty and risk of bonking.

Hammerdash (3.800)
Dash -> Dash (4.150)

Hammerdashing through the pot will gain 21 frames overall over an optimal dash, despite losing 21 frames in the next room.